In case anyone is feeling bad about their housing situation:
And again I pimp homes very close to me to both rent and to buy. I swear Texas is getting more and more purple. Plus I am starting to actually know a few local spots that are good, if not fancy, food.
ok - poorly placed post on our purpleness, but MEEEEE!
May the second special session be more special than the first.
Your way implies that at the other end something's been fixed.
I see the semantic distinction. Solutioning means you know how you're going to solve it...if you decide to. Still, I feel we have words that don't verb solution.
If you can grow a tree or a third head, why can't you grow a business?
I just told a user we couldn't satisfy one of her requirements because Skynet. That and telling IT horror stories to the intern have been the high point of the day. The low points have been everything making me want to cry, including stairs and missing lunch (when I said I "grabbed a bite" that was closer to literal than it should have been--I think I can count the number of bites of lunch I had).
The guy over the cube wall tells me already Skynet.
May the second special session be more special than the first.
Scalia's dissent for the DOMA decision is a fucking piece of work. Shows absolutely no legal consistency to his support for DOMA and his eagerness in repealing parts of the VRA.
It makes me said that I left Texas and came back and goddamn Rick Perry is still governor.
I would like our Lt. Gov to meet an actual Angry Mob.
I worry that Scalia is just trolling the Supreme Court.
Or that he's not.
Both are disturbing.
So are the Txdems prepared to fil. again?
Crap, there's a storm maybe 20 minutes out. I think I'm not swimming tonight. We'll see.
I don't think a filibuster situation can arise again, because the Dems won't be able to delay a vote until the end of the session.