The moving statue is bigger and taller than any of the other artifacts in that case; maybe that has something to do with it's the only one that turns. It sure is weird to watch it slowly turning over the course of the day.
They should swap it out with a similarly shaped/sized item and see if that moves over the course of a few days.
hugs for Suzi.
have discovered that my new boss (who I do not so much like) is interested in a new job with our company that is out of state. please please please. That could be awesome. so I am sending positive vibes toward that decision. No idea how fast this may move, but fingers crossed.
HIlariously, I just passed my boss in the hallway and she asked "Is everything OK?" and I couldn't guess what she was talking about! Oh, right -- the General Counsel in my office earlier. "Was it about X?" Nope! Too many issues, man.
Just caught a volleyball rebound to the face. I'll bet people in other offices don't have to worry about this.
The Supreme Court's decision regarding the Voting Rights Act is the most egregious shit since Gore Vs. Bush. And I don't say that lightly. I am so fucking fed up with these assholes. Voters in southern states really don't need the protections of the VRA? Really?
Bullshit. This is the cornerstone of civil rights in this country. This is the cornerstone of a successful democracy. And here we are. 2013.
Just caught a volleyball rebound to the face. I'll bet people in other offices don't have to worry about this.
I threw up in the kitchen at work, and now I am home. I'm not sure if I would prefer a volleyball to the face or not.
(Had a migraine Sunday and yesterday; today the stabby pain was gone but I had vertigo. When the vertigo *seemed to* subside, I went to work. I was at work for maybe 20 minutes, got dizzy and wobbly, ran for the kitchen, and puked at work for the first time in my life. Awesome.)
Bullshit. This is the cornerstone of civil rights in this country. This is the cornerstone of a successful democracy. And here we are. 2013.
Voting is screwed up in the U.S. Why aren't elections overseen by independent commissions instead of by partisans? Hell, there have been elections overseen by a person running in the election.
I threw up in the kitchen at work, and now I am home. I'm not sure if I would prefer a volleyball to the face or not.
The volleyball was not at high speed and mostly was startling. I think you should choose that option.
t gentle hairpats
I've had a migraine the last two days, too. The pain was gone when I woke up this morning, but now I'm feeling pressure creep back underneath my cheekbones.
did anyone watch the whole season of Nashville?
I did. The last 8 eps were pretty similar to the first 14 - a little addictive, a lot trashy, many infuriating moments, and good music. I doubt I'd be a fan if I didn't actually live in Nashville, but it's fine.