random question: did anyone watch the whole season of Nashville? I have 8 eps sitting on my dvr waiting to be either watched or deleted, and I can't bring myself to do either.
I watched most of the season. Missed a few episodes in the middle. The music was good, the storylines predictable, and the characters mostly pretty well developed.
The statue only turns when people are walking by. So, maybe a people-watching spirit. Or a shy statue turning its face away from strangers. Or vibrations. BAD vibrations.
The music was good, the storylines predictable, and the characters mostly pretty well developed.
That was how I felt, yeah. I really liked it and am looking forward to next season.
Or vibrations. BAD vibrations.
So, you're ruling out the Beach Boys as the cause?
The fact that the statue only turns while people are walking by makes me suspect the vibrations are causing the movement, but it's still quite freaky to watch.
I just don't understand why none of the other statues move. Maybe the one that does is hollow? So weird.
The fact that the statue only turns while people are walking by
Kill it! Kill it with fire!
Kill it! Kill it with fire!
I think it's looking for Dana.
Putting felt underneath it should certainly have stopped it from moving, nevermind that the other similarly sized objects in the same display aren't being affected by any vibrations from foot traffic.
I'd wonder about there being some magnetic material inside the statuette, but what has changed since earlier years that would make it react now and not previously?