When a yoghurt says "probiotic" is there an RDA of good bugs and I'll get it from their single serving?
No, and not guaranteed. That we need good bugs in our guts is certain; how we can get them there and how we know if we need more of them is less so. There's no solid evidence yet of which good bugs we need, or whether different people need different ones, or what they all do in there, and it's possible that most of the bugs in yoghurt don't survive your stomach anyway. Me, I've never found that eating yoghurt makes me feel any better.
Teachers, talk to me about Common Core. What's going on there?
Way cool news!
Ancient Egyptian statue appears to move on its own at Manchester Museum
It's in a locked case, has been in the same case for decades, and now it's turning in a half circle over a period of hours. they have video of it moving.
That is freaky, Connie. I had to share with CJ cause...freaky.
I saw the statute thing -- creepy.
In Boise today. Man. I'm TIRED. As are my kids -- we had to pull out the oxygen for Grace because she was satting so far below normal. Poor kid.
Hubby figures if they just set up a table with a beer, some chicken, and a good burger that all will be well. The German story he found on his international news channel says they even put felt on the base of the statue to hold it still, and that's not helping.
Shrift, are you in Lakeview? Are you crowdsurfing?
I was in the West Loop. Our wild celebration only involved a round of Jameson shots.
random question: did anyone watch the whole season of Nashville? I have 8 eps sitting on my dvr waiting to be either watched or deleted, and I can't bring myself to do either.
I watched most of the season. Missed a few episodes in the middle. The music was good, the storylines predictable, and the characters mostly pretty well developed.
The statue only turns when people are walking by. So, maybe a people-watching spirit. Or a shy statue turning its face away from strangers. Or vibrations. BAD vibrations.
The music was good, the storylines predictable, and the characters mostly pretty well developed.
That was how I felt, yeah. I really liked it and am looking forward to next season.