This is one of the reasons I have a roommate. When there is another person in the house, my subconscious assigns all random noises to them, and I sleep fine. When there is not, suddenly any noise I hear is someone COMING TO KILL ME. ...I have no idea why my brain is convinced that's going to happen (so far 35 years, no one has broken into the house to kill me), or why someone else being in the house would somehow STOP that, but...yeah.
When I had roommates and our duplex was Grand Central Station for all our friends to hang out at, the roomies' activities and sounds wouldn't disturb me but I'd snap WIDE awake if someone who didn't live there entered.
I lived alone in fairly high-crime areas with cats (not like, lots of criminal cats, heh) for a LONG time, and it took me a while to get used to noises when I moved in with D. He's IT; I'm Head of Security.
One of the many things I miss about living at the Greenstone is the buffering from random noise. I had 18-inch brick walls and 14-inch floor timbers between me and any of my neighbors, so about the only internal noise I could hear was my across-the-hall neighbor's smoke alarm when it went off (and that faintly unless I had the kitchen door open). There was some noise from the expressway through the windows, but because we were on a bluff and I was three stories up that was mainly a low background hum unless a semi was downshifting as it passed. Or a car's engine exploded on the exit ramp we overlooked, which weirdly happened more than once.
I just missed my department staff meeting. For no reason! It removed itself from my calendar, apparently, and no one thought to call me? I dunno. My department is weird.
I live in very quiet neighborhood VERY close to Richy McMansionville. It's weird. I mean, I like it, but I don't know my neighbors and it's just different than what I'm used to.
I haaaaate the noise outside my apartment -- there's a really loud piece of HVAC machinery that makes a ton of white noise that makes me crazy. I would much rather hear traffic and street noises out the window, given a neighborhood of mostly people with mostly dayjobs.
Very busy weekend. We got the utilities on so we could have an inspection of the new house, and it turned up a lot of things that the HUD inspection said were fine. So we decided to back out of the deal, it was getting too expensive to make it work.
Then our A/C broke down and we could neither get anyone out to fix it or get a condenser fan. My FIL and I managed to get it working by lubricating the motor with 3-in-1 oil, hopefully it'll get fixed up for real today.
We also started putting up a new section of fence inside our yard. When done we'll dismantle the old section and use the additional space to build a berm to keep water from running through the yard and garden during heavy storms.
I did manage to sneak in some time on COG and the Clockwork Dragons while I wait on my agent's comments on COG.
I also met Matt who came up to get my old iMac, which was cool. It's unfortunate it was on such a busy day. He also got to meet Gunnar, but Gunnar wasn't on his best behavior.
I live in very quiet neighborhood VERY close to Richy McMansionville.
Anywhere in Johnson county seems like it's close to one Richy McMansionville or another. What do all those people do?
Anywhere in Johnson county seems like it's close to one Richy McMansionville or another. What do all those people do?
I dunno, but they care a LOT about lawn care!
Aw, sucks about the house plan, Gud. Hope another thing comes along that's even better.
Jesse, maybe the calendar already knows you're just Done.
My place is generally pretty quiet, considering I live right in the city. There's occasional plane noise (hard to avoid), and godawful early this morning there were SERIOUSLY crazy birds. I do not know WHAT was going on, but it wasn't chirping so much as honking, pretending to be a car alarm, and other fun stuff, for like, ten full minutes. And then they suddenly stopped.
...more annoying are the occasional fun bits of the apartment building next door. Either late night dramatics with people leaving or arriving and yelling at each other, or just folks sitting on their balconies talking loudly (the other week, there was this group of older dudes sitting on the balcony, talking loudly ALL DAY LONG. Literally, we noticed them first thing in the morning, and they talked INTO THE NIGHT. Which...OK, glad you're having fun but could ya be a little quieter???)
But those are more occasional than constant.