Your grandma sounds like she is going to be just fine if she is matchmaking!
Shit, she would try to set me up with the undertaker if she could! But they are keeping her another night. So we'll see! Of course my poor mother is running a conference Mon-Weds of this week, so she's freaking out a little. I just snapped at her once, but I think it was effective.
I may have a new goal for Ryan's upbringing: [link]
The undertaker for my mom was a dude she dated in high school. True fact.
I may have a new goal for Ryan's upbringing
I support you in this.
Applying for gov't jobs suck. Applying for any job sucks. I just want a damn job. I probably should put something else down as my goal though.
I just want a damn job. I probably should put something else down as my goal though.
I managed to refrain from putting "paying my mortgage" down as my objective on job applications, though that was always the first (and often the only) thing that came to mind. Stay strong.
Skimming Not Always Related leaves me very perplexed. The one BT linked to is pretty clear, but the rest seem to be missing their punchlines.
Last week's art course homework was to reproduce a black and white photograph with a newsprint collage, and this week involves some sort of outdoors installation. I only have to do one more, but if there's any sort of increasing wackery, I'm screwed.
When is the assignment going to ask me to make a collage of TV characters in suggestive positions?
Slept with earplugs in. Amazing how much of my insomnia is due to the cats making creepy noises in the house --the instigating incident was them playing in a paper grocery bag, which sounded a lot like someone turning the knob on the storm door. Which is whacked because that was the first time I decided to lock my door at night. I'm secure and suddenly I'm terrified of home invasion. Unsecure I sleep like I'm in a coma.
It was actually kind of a balm for the person taking over at that point to have a personal connection. (And a surprise - we didn't know ahead of time.) but it also kind of cracks me up. Small towns, yo.