I scheduled a lunch for us today, but apparently did not let you know!
That is hilarious. It's like she wants credit for her intention to meet with you. My students are always writing papers about how terrible it is that you can't read gestures and facial expressions over the internet. Personally, I think it's blessing that no one can see your eyes roll.
It's possible that I could flake out enough to schedule a meeting and not let the other person know. If I did, however, I would never mention it.
If I did, however, I would never mention it.
Or, you know, at least have the decency to blame it on Outlook. I mean, hypothetically.
I hadn't heard from her since I offered to meet last week. So all she needed to say is: "thank you for your willingness to meet with me, can we have lunch or meet next week? Tuesday or Thursday would be best."
That's it.
If someone does not confirm you are meeting, IME, no meeting is set.
Yes, because otherwise you would've been dating all the ladies and getting into trouble, right? If only you'd been a year older. Sigh...;)
Well, I wouldn't have been getting the
I dated into trouble, true, unlike one of my closer friends back then. (I have hidden under a bed in a girl's hotel room to avoid being seen by a class trip chaperone, for the record.) And senior year some of the friends I hung out with had a Mystery Date style adventure that included a car chase and having a gun pulled on them, but because I was younger they were going to be out past my curfew and I didn't tag along.
Right? Why is she bringing it up to apologize for something you never even knew she was flaking on?
Timelies all!
Being a spring baby, there was never the issue of being the youngest in the class. It was suggested that since I already knew how to read coming into kindergarden, that I should be skipped to first grade. Thankfully my parents didn't think that was a good idea. (I had enough social/peer problems as it was.)
It's possible that I could flake out enough to schedule a meeting and not let the other person know. If I did, however, I would never mention it.
Of course! That's 100% the flaw, not the flaking -- the talking about it like it was real!
I never went to kindergarten. What's it for? (serious question, I've always wondered what was the difference between K and 1st.)