it's just WAY easier for Cruise to get a bankroll with his production company
Which is why it's easier for me to believe that he's got this role because he wants it. Not because he necessarily went to a casting call and was chosen as the best actor to portray this character. But I haven't read the series so maybe he's a good choice for the role.
UPS finally showed! The waiting game might seem less ridiculous if I didn't live next door to a UPS store.
Now I need to go strike a show and get groceries.
I think Chris Helmsworth would be a better choice, although he's too young.
I read a pretty good opinion piece proposing The Rock as Reacher!
Was it by me?? It's so easy to make the mother Samoan from French!
I havent read the series, AND I tend to hate physical descriptions, but I REALLY hate Tom Cruise, so would probably suspect the worst.
However, I thought I would hate him as Lestat, and I didn't.
I am weirdly obsessed with something my uncle said to me this Thanksgiving. We were talking about genetic testing, because he is thinking of getting it for genetic markers for diseases-- I said I would be more interested in the ethnicity/race one, and made a joke about how everyone thinks I am Jewish. He said "Well, you SOUND Jewish!". I am not even sure what that means? How does someone sound Jewish? I suspect iy may be because I worked to get rid of my Rochester accent?
it's easier for me to believe that he's got this role because he wants it
The potential ease of Tom getting his own ideas made doesn't mean that all of his roles are his idea, though. Or even most of them. A producing credit doesn't imply it, an acting credit doesn't imply it. And the press contradicts it.
I think the press will usually tell you when it's an actor's baby, because they love that shit. I check anyway, just because, and it rarely takes much checking.
I would have thought that "sounding Jewish" would mean having a Yiddish accent.
I would have thought that "sounding Jewish" would mean having a Yiddish accent.
I know! I do not have a Yiddish Accent!
While looking for an example of a Yiddish accent, I found [link] , and I can't at all explain why it's funny, but I can't stop laughing.