Would rewards help, Consuela? For your mom or your dad, even if in his case it's just to get him to stand firm.
I think you might have to concentrate on him anyway, and persuade him not to give in.
It's so hard. But like everyone said, "the only way out is through." One day at a time.
I don't know what your contract is like, I only know my friend's stuff. Who is the medical POA? I think that helped that the kids were when S's mom was adamant to leave and her dad was at a loss, but the POA docs said no.
It's not fun. I wish you weeks of peaceful sleep.
Suela's Dad!! You're doing it wrong!
No advice on how precisely to fix it, Suela, but tons of sympathy and BTDT agreement. Pisco, pisco and beer and lots of long runs.
I think you might have to concentrate on him anyway, and persuade him not to give in.
Yeah, but I'm guessing that's easier said than done. I'm sure he's going through his own special brand of hard right now.
Oh, 'suela, that's so hard. I feel so bad for you.
Tom, you are welcome to join my fun, mostly sane fam with delicious food for Thanksgiving next year.
That's all I got now. Full of delicious food and cocktails; brain stupid.
Ay ay ay, Suela. Does your mother listen to the doctors? My grandmother, who did not have dementia but who redefined the word "stubborn" listened to doctors when she wouldn't listen to her kids, because the doctor was an authority figure.
Does your mother listen to the doctors?
She's way too irrational to listen to anyone. Even my brother the doctor, who handles her as well as anyone could. She's operating on pure fear and instinct, and will basically contradict anything someone says, out of terror that agreeing will end in something she doesn't like.
The current plan (after six drinks, two pizzas, and two desserts with my sister & oldest brother) is to keep on keeping on, and to sell the remaining bedroom set in the old place as soon as humanly possible. That way we can honestly say that there's nowhere for them to sleep if they go back there.
Oh, and her meds are all being managed by the folks at the new place, and she can't go cold turkey on any of them...
What a stressful situation, 'Suela. I .. don't have any useful advice. But you are so doing the right thing and it sounds so hard.
Someone (possibly ita !?) must know what store carries the ginger juice.
So, mr. flea has been on the ground in China for about 30 hours now, and I have not heard from him. They have the internets in China, right? Is he likely to be having some communication issues, or should I be worrying?