That's hard, Nora. Having friends there who understand how hard it is to lose a pet might help.
I was registering my AmEx card for Small Business Saturday when it occurred to me that my favorite liquor store is a non-chain, locally owned store. Sure enough, it qualifies. Free booze! I was going to go to a local craft or book store, but it seems that every time I need to spend a certain amount to get a discount or rebate, I can't find anything I want for that amount. That won't be a problem in a liquor store.
"Darth Vader is really Scott Walker," Sam said. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing lasting damage...
Hahahahahahaha! It's funny because it's true.
Aw, that sounds hard, Nora. You're nice friends.
Oh, Nora. That's so tough. I'm sorry.
Separate post:
A statue of Mary led to this Unitarian attempting to explain Christianity to Sam. He wanted to know when Mary lived, and I said it was during the time of the Roman Empire. "Wait," said Sam, "roaming vampires?"
I tried to explain the Roman Empire by comparisons to the Star Wars mythos. "Darth Vader is really Scott Walker," Sam said. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing lasting damage...
(He meant "Skywalker," but I was still VERY proud.)
Dude, I totally read this as a SPN ficlet, and I was so confused. Need moar coffee.
6 bags of leaves, with more blowing down the street from the north, but 6 is my limit for today.
Market, pedicure, leaves. Swim in a bit, catsit and then manicure.
Did all my things! Sold some books, went to the library, AND went to the ridiculous market by the library, where I think I might be the only person to buy ingredients, and not prepared food. It was more expensive, but possibly worth it.
The library is all nice and open, except the fiction is in the semi-creepy basement, which is a slight bummer.
On the book-buying front, I have been buying books to give as gifts with only a slight idea of who I'm giving them to. Also, I have a 20% one purchse on the frequent buyer card, but I keep going in and buying two books at a time, so it doesn't seem worth it to use the discount. I need to get my shit together.
I only did one bag of leaves, but it is a super compacted bag and only from the driveway.
The front flower bed has yielded a trashcan full of weeds and shrub cuttings and is not near done yet, but I needed a food break.