my aunt always said my Mom remembered the past with rose-colored binoculars, very selective memory about only the good bits. Compartmentalizing may be how she could survive in one piece
I do this; I was taught by my mother. I know it and don't intend to change. My memory is bad anyway, so it isn't that tough. I remember the birth days and anniversaries, but I could not tell you a single death anniversary, not even my late husband or father. The month and year, but I managed to forget the date. My dad I would have to do the math to get the year because I do know how old I was. It serves me no purpose to remember bad stuff.
If I manage to remember all the joys and forget the heartbreaks of raising my kids as I age I will call it a win. Not saying it works for all, but it works for me.
Today: Mail off eBay sales, visit the local playground in hopes of seeing classmates or possibly a church acquaintance who visits often and has a brand-new baby sister whose toes I have not yet had the pleasure of sampling, and go to the Randall Museum to say hello to the barn owl and the hawk with a hurt wing and pat the bunnies.
Also mending, but that's less fun than bunny-pats.
Oh yeah, I forgot about selling books! Will try that today. Also go to the library to finally get a new library card! And really, I'll get going any minute now.
A friend's FB status this morning, in a very Buffista vein:
A statue of Mary led to this Unitarian attempting to explain Christianity to Sam. He wanted to know when Mary lived, and I said it was during the time of the Roman Empire. "Wait," said Sam, "roaming vampires?"
I tried to explain the Roman Empire by comparisons to the Star Wars mythos. "Darth Vader is really Scott Walker," Sam said. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing lasting damage...
(He meant "Skywalker," but I was still VERY proud.)
Today I need to finish assembling the bits of my outfit for the wedding. I think that's all. I could cook too, I guess.
That's hilarious, brenda.
We are visiting friends with a dog that is on her last legs. She has a huge tumor in her stomach/lung area but is still eating. It's hard to see, though I'm glad to spend time with Josie. We've been here since Wednesday and I don't quite know if we should give them their space and get a hotel room tonight (I've spoken to both of them letting them know that we understand if they would like their house back) or if they might need friendship support, or what. It's hard.
That's hard, Nora. Having friends there who understand how hard it is to lose a pet might help.
I was registering my AmEx card for Small Business Saturday when it occurred to me that my favorite liquor store is a non-chain, locally owned store. Sure enough, it qualifies. Free booze! I was going to go to a local craft or book store, but it seems that every time I need to spend a certain amount to get a discount or rebate, I can't find anything I want for that amount. That won't be a problem in a liquor store.
"Darth Vader is really Scott Walker," Sam said. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing lasting damage...
Hahahahahahaha! It's funny because it's true.
Aw, that sounds hard, Nora. You're nice friends.