That is seriously exciting.
mac has a soccer game tonight, which I am not excited about. I have no idea what I will get for dinner since he will have already eaten by the time I get home so fast food for me only would cause a giant fight, also I do not need fast food. Maybe I have something frozen I can heat up.
Tomorrow is 2 more soccer games - also unexcited. perhaps I will do some knitting.
I have tasked today, nothing really onerous, but just little work stuff all day. My desk is going to be almost all cleaned off when I leave.
Onerous task of the day: go to doctor, get flu and whooping cough shot. Ache all day.
Newly discovered onerous task of the future: Reverse has gone out on my car. Fortunately I was parked on a pull-through spot, I just had to wait until the person ahead of me left. Minimum fix if it's simple, $350.
JZ - none of my 3 listings sold today either. 2 had people watching, so that is frustrating. I need to list some higher value stuff in my next batch.
Yeah, all of mine had watchers. I want to go shake them. It's especially frustrating because other people are selling the *exact same things* with, as far as I can tell, identical descriptions and tags, but they're getting multiple bids and I'm getting nothing. What the what?
Did you at least get any perversely entertaining questions from ninnyhammers?
World of Warcraft thinks that I have a child whose gameplay should be monitored.
I had no questions this round.
Good news of the day while doing an onerous personal task (paying water/sewer/trash bill) - paying $200 to get my sprinkler leak fixed saved me $106 on this month's bill, so that repair pays for itself in just 2 months! woohoo. I still need to get our water usage down a bit though.
I got my project out! Woooooo! So that's good.
Flu shot, that's something I need to do. But not today.
I am done with my overdue tasks for the day. I'm going to have a cup of tea and then get started on tidying up and rearranging the living room. Yes.
After all the scrambling to meet deadlines this week, I'm not sure I have it in me tonight for tasks more onerous than eating takeout with my feet propped up. I may try to fold and hang Clean Laundry Mountain over the weekend though.
OH - I put away 90% of my laundry mountain this morning before I left the house. YAY! that will be something nice to get home to.
I am going to scan in a couple more things and then I am leaving!