One of the reasons I haven't been posting as much is because I feel like I am always complaining or asking questions and never being positive, BUT...
I am trying to do my performance self-assessment, which I hate anyway, and what the HECK is the difference between these two questions:
2. Summarize areas in which you performed well,
3. Describe areas where you have shown recent improvement.
The second should be something you were spoken about before and have since addressed. "I instituted a sign-out for all costumes after we had issues with missing items."
You could have performed well in area you performed well in last year. Whereas recent improvement refers to areas your performance got better in the last month (or quarter or whatever.)
But, last year I got exceeds expectations on everything...
"Things I do well: Continue to do this awful job on way less salary than I deserve. Things I have improved on: I have gotten way better at not cursing this institution's name when I look at my bank account"
2. Summarize areas in which you performed well,
3. Describe areas where you have shown recent improvement.
God, I hate self-evaluations.
I am so far behind at work, and it looks to be a permanent situation. I'm trying to dig in and start working hard to catch up, but my brain is stuck in "Fuck it" mode and my soul has wandered off to play with the old dolls I found in the back of a closet last night. If my managers "don't care about typos" anymore, what am I doing here? I'm not an editor anymore, I'm just pushing virtual paper around. And I don't even care. It's a decent job, so what if I'm sick of it? I'll find joy elsewhere and stop caring any more than they pay me to. Oh, hey, look what's on eBay.
Question about Facebook for those of you who use it often.
I have an account under my real name, and I have, like 20 friends on it. I rarely update it, and it's a mix of mostly RL people (including my father, for Pete's sake) and a few scattered fannish folks. Sometimes I go weeks without signing on.
I usually tend to be fairly CHURCH / STATE (in the original meaning, not the mess that's going on in US politics right now) in my work / non-work life. Anyway, I work in academics, and one of our trainees sent me a friend request a few weeks ago. He's a nice guy, but I am in a position to EVALUATE him on his work and it just feels inappropriate for me to his "friend" in his facebook, y'know? I mean, I know some people treat FB pretty casually and have fleeting acquaintances or their bosses and coworkers in their circle, but that's not for me.
Anyway, I just should have sent him a polite email back then explaining my position, but now, I've basically ignored the request for several weeks and I see this guy on a daily basis. It seems awkward even bring it up now. I should... just ignore the whole thing and the awkwardness would go away, right? Because Conflict-Avoidant is my middle name.
Just keep ignoring it. He has no way of knowing how often you log in, and if he asks you about it (which would be TACKY), you can say that you are busy, and you keep your FB friends list very small.
you ready for this?
Employers are now asking for last year's W-2 form.
so they can pay you as little as possible.