Yay, cycles.
Unironic yay, Mirena!
Sad to display my culinary ignornace, but what are "lady fingers" if not okra, then? I mean, I never knew okra to be called that, but in my little world, ladyfingers are a delicious baked good, which seems unlikely to be an ingredient in another baked good.
Ladyfingers are a delicious baked good! Which you then smother in like, coffee and amaretto and mascarpone or something? I forget what goes in a tiramisu. Stuff that is yummy?
For most of us they are a nice - sometimes delicious - baked good. However, she was from ... rural India, I believe, where that's what they called them.
I remember my mother - fresh from Kentucky - trying to find out where the N.J. grocery kept their (as she pronounced it) "yayams". She ended up settling for sweet potatoes.
Meara, did any one fax you yet? Cause I could do it now
At least she didn't think they were fingers from actual ladies!
Stephanie, if you could that would be great. No one else said they did....but part of my question is whether they're coming through (or just taking their time, or what)
At least she didn't think they were fingers from actual ladies!
This takes me to an Addams Family place.
Sending more good results~ma your way too, sumi.
Good ~ma to you, sumi, and deep breaths and relaxation ~ma to get you through to Monday.
This takes me to an Addams Family place
Darling, the ladyfingers I brought to the PTA Halloween party were a big success. Mrs Thompson brought ladyfinger too, but the ones I made were meatier.