Years ago the paper had an article by a young woman who'd been hearing co-workers rhapsodizing about tiramisu. She came across a recipe and made it. It didn't look as appetizing as she thought it should; her mother said maybe she'd try it later; her father flat-out refused.
Turned out that when the recipe called for "lady fingers" she assumed they meant what people in her area of India called "lady fingers". Okra.
Edible, but not quite what was intended.
Oh man, that's almost as bad as Rachel's beef truffle on Friends.
hope she didn't make it before she caught the misunderstanding. Like Rachel with the British cookbook stuck together.
Turned out that when the recipe called for "lady fingers" she assumed they meant what people in her area of India called "lady fingers". Okra.
Oh, EW. But that's pretty funny.
Yes, she made it ... it came out ... lumpy. And green.
Eww. That would not be appetizing tiramisu!
Could I get someone to fax me a random page? I'm trying to see if it's my printer/fax that's being weird or my fax receipt (which is supposed to go to email). Driving me nuts. Anyone wanna fax a random page to 512-685-7299? That would be super helpful.
Yay, cycles.
Unironic yay, Mirena!
Sad to display my culinary ignornace, but what are "lady fingers" if not okra, then? I mean, I never knew okra to be called that, but in my little world, ladyfingers are a delicious baked good, which seems unlikely to be an ingredient in another baked good.
Ladyfingers are a delicious baked good! Which you then smother in like, coffee and amaretto and mascarpone or something? I forget what goes in a tiramisu. Stuff that is yummy?