I think I say "thumb drive," but think I should say "flash drive."
Jesse is me.
I have a referral to a counselor now. Just after I hit post, they called back.
Why doesn't that work with saying, the dream job I am looking for or the charming and attractive man I would like to meet.
My theatre boss calls it a "dongle". Which is wrong, and sounds dirty to me.
A dongle is a different thing!
People on the phone have gone between "memory stick", "flash drive," or "drive thingie you can move," but flash drive seems to be settling out as the winner.
I tend to like memory stick.
I say "thumb drive." I'm not sure about using the term "flash drive." I mean, it doesn't convert the content to flash (.swf) files.
I say "USB drive."
The other day, I was cleaning out the drawers in my office and found a box containing a dozen unused 1.4 MB floppy disks. I don't even know how long it's been sitting there! Surely it can't have been that long ago. My desktop is about 4 years old and the one I had before that had an A: drive for these puppies.
I asked my office mates if any of them wanted the disks and was nearly laughed out of the building.
And today's cute animal photo is: [link]
I've got a box of 1.4 mb floppies as well. I had to move some stuff from an old laptop that didn't have a USB drive.
I have lots of things like that...it seems wrong to throw them out, but they are past their day.