Timelies all!
Argh, this week. Started with me losing my jacket Sunday. Monday, when we got home from dance practice the power was out. Didn't know when it would come back, so we used Gary's cell phone for an alarm.(Power came back on during the night) Yesterday we reset various alarm clocks and such. Unfortunately, Gary forgot to turn the alarm on. We ended up waking up 35 minutes late, which meant getting to work late, etc. Meh.
I'm cleaning out my drafting table for the first time in 10 years or so and in addition to a dozen or so dried up tubes of paint and drawings dating back to 1999, I found a sheet of paper with the following note (in my handwriting):
Title - Subject Unknown
only reference - character watching X-Files "Wetwired"
bleached blond poodle hair
too much makeup
cutoff tie-die t-shirt
baggy hip hop jeans
leather biker jacket
I honestly have no idea. A roommate and I used to try to mentally catalog some of the real life characters we seemed to meet when we were together, but this one doesn't match up with my memories. And I don't remember writing any of them down.
The other side of the page has notes on a show that I also don't remember.
Oh, wait! Maybe that is one of the people we encountered! I still have no idea what context I was trying to give it though.
Argh, Sheryl, that does sound frustrating.
Hee, aurelia. I have some old lyric snippets that are like that. I'm all...I have no idea? I seemed to feel pretty strongly about whatever it was, though.
CJ got to man a firehose for the first time today. There was a massive house fire, totally gutting the house, with multiple trucks responding. He didn't get to fight the fire though, just wash down the other hoses, but he was excited.
Seems that the fire was started by a gardner with cigarette near a gas lawn mower. At least that is the story CJ came home with. Sucks big time for the residents. I hope the gardner has GOOD insurance.
Oh, man. Considering how today went, I'm not surprised I got a couple of joking "It only gets more difficult from here!" comments when promotions were announced.
So tired. And I need to get to bed early because I'm hitting the midnight premiere of The Avengers tomorrow.
And now I have plans to do dinner and a movie for the next two days.
You're welcome, economy.
Avengers! And a promotion! shrift is rocking this week.
Did Gmail just go down for everyone?
Nice to come home to, after a very long long day: Lots and lots of posts, including some by Holli.
Less nice to come home to: A front yard that looks like this: [link]