let it go Sophia, not worth it. Just give Student C the stink eye at all opportunities and/or possibly send him notes saying "I know what you did".
Heh. I thought the exact same wording. Letting the young person know how close they came to jeopardizing their graduation seems like it may be the kindest course.
Dear Non-main boss,
You ask if you have travel booked for a week this month. Did you book it? Did you ask me to book it? No? Then my guess is No!! Neither the travel fairies, nor I magically read your cray mind and know when you want trips booked. Especially when there is nothing on your calendar indicating an out of state meeting.
- no love, me
Okay, I am having a friend over to dinner tomorrow. I work all day and need something I can either put in the crockpot in the morning, or throw together when I get home. Any suggestions? She doesn't like fish, so anything else. Oh, and I want it to be somewhat festive, because she has just been diagnosed with endometrial cancer (stage 1, luckily) and this is a "build up strength and enjoy life" kind of thing.
ETA: Fuck cancer.
if you are on pinterst, I have seen several yummy crockpot things there recently.
I have no crockpot recipes but I do have travel drama! After last week's business of "Go Wednesday. No, Monday and Wednesday. No, just Tuesday. No, Tuesday/Wed. No, Tues/Wed/Thurs!" BS, now I'm told "Next week go to Cincy! No wait, it might get changed. But you'll go to Iowa the week after that, and depending on when Cincy is, maybe to Florida! Or not" and then "No, wait, no Cincy, no Iowa, but maybe back to LA!" ARGH.
weeding weeding weeding ....
It is every other Wednesday - which means happy hour at 430
but there is a lot of work going on in the house today .
what happened to lazy days off?
Oh, Lord. And now it's "Can't they reschedule to next week? Then you could go Cincy to LA and then more LA and then Florida! Yeahhh!"
OMG- now MORE theatre drama! Only now I am being dramatic!
So every year the program director sends out an email to all the students and staff asking the students to respond to him with their interest in student positions. This is also how he announces the season.
This does not seem weird, but it makes me over-the-top angry because
a) This is also how he announces the season to the other professors and staff- like, we do not get a heads up about dates, plays, directors, anything before the mass email is sent out.
b) We have all already hired most of our students for next year but even though he knows this, and says he won't veto it, he sends it out blank, as though all positions are open, and the students we already have an agreement with need to reply to him.
c) THEN, instead of sending out an individual email to the students who are not selected (which few of them will be, because none of the positions are open) he just sends out another mass email in a week with all the positions and who is filling them.
and he totally does not understand why any of that bothers me. Also, he announced a director as hired who he asked me yesterday to meet with to make sure we could work together as mentors before he hired him.
crock pot -- chicken parts - onions, peepers, mushrooms cover with wine and tomato sauce ( spice like basil )
serve over spaghetti
chicken catchatori ( which I can not spell)