I can't even imagine working for that many more years. I am 37, and just about at the end of my patience with it!
I have a weird student situation. Last night we were readying costumes for a move to a storage facility. Student A had to leave early. She texted student B that we should not leave Student C to be the last one out, as he intended to a particular costume that. We waited him out, but today student B checked the costumes, and this costume is, indeed, missing.
I seriously do not know what to do. It is a 17th c. drag outfit, so not particularly useful to us. On the other hand, it has probably $300 - $400 worth of labor in it, plus there is the principle of the thing!
I would inform the program director of the facts and let him deal with it, except that he is crazy and makes everything worse.
Amy, I'll have a look sometime in the next few days. Where are you located-- you're not a DCista, are you?
Oh Sophia, that is awkward.
I would never run out of things to do, could I retire now.
Student A says Student C was intending to take the costume??
Did you talk to Student A about why she thought that?
(And, dag, if I had to deal with student drama I'd want to retire now too!)
Holli, where in DC is your shop? I'd love to come visit sometime!
lisah, I'm in Takoma Park, at Polly Sue's. And I work there Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 11-2.
Student A says Student C was intending to take the costume??
Did you talk to Student A about why she thought that?
(And, dag, if I had to deal with student drama I'd want to retire now too!)
Student A says (to Student B) that Student C told her he was going to do it-- they had been sent on an errand together while we were working last night. I do know he loves the costume, tries it on, etc, and he also is just starting to do drag.
This is also complicated by the fact this is not my day job- I don't have an office over there, and I am not getting paid any more because my classes are finished for the year. So I can't call them in and talk to them (well I could, but it would be difficult to coordinate).
I am thinking of sending an email to all student about the missing item, detailing the amount of money it is, and hopefully flushing out Student A to actually tell me what is going on, and not Student B.
Panera for lunch.
In my head I think I would be fine to retire now, but I realize that in reality, without some structure from an outside source, my days become wasted days and depression begins, I would really like 1 week off a month - that I would love.
Oh and of course money-wise I could not retire now.
Holli, I'm SW of Philly. But I could pay for shipping.
I need to send Holli pictures of several Vintage items of clothing. I have several pairs of gloves and some hats too that need to find new homes.