The spanikopita might be a good option. I'll have time to cook it before TCG gets home. It's good?
I like it a lot. My TJs has 2 brands -- one is a TJs brand and one is a brand called Fillo Factory. I like the Fillo Factory one better, but the TJs brand is pretty good, too. And they both can be baked in the oven in the container they come in.
When I die, please avenge my death by cutting down all the trees.
The Lorax objects. Though, come to think of it, the Truffala trees do look highly pollen producing.
The truffula trees can stay. Whatever is outside my bedroom window must die. I think it's an ash of some kind.
[eta: The New York City Street Tree Census says Green Ash. [link] ]
When I die, please avenge my death by cutting down all the trees.
And thus falls another Eco-warrior. "Look, I love the environment, but it's
A woman in my office was having Trader Joe's masala veggie burgers for lunch the other day - she got practically orgasmic over them.
I like the TJ's Greek frozen pizza, with kalamata olives and feta, and that couldn't be any easier.
Let's just say it: the Republicans are the Problem:
That's the op-ed in the Washington Post. They blame Newt Gingrich and Grover Norquist.
Yeah, I've been wondering what effect (if any) this will have on our political discourse.