Early AM, and Prop 30 is officially YES by a nice impressive margin. Morning assembly at the playground at Matilda's school is going to be positively giddy. Coming so soon after the Giants' triumph, I'm almost afraid a couple of teachers are going to physically disintegrate, their bodies unable to contain the joy within. Though I'm pretty sure they are happy to take that risk to get the glee.
askye, your friend's husband's post is incredibly gracious and eloquent and makes me a little ashamed of how ungracious I've been in the past in his position. Would you mind asking him if he'd mind an admirer at the other end of the continent sharing it with some of her church group?
Early AM, and Prop 30 is officially YES by a nice impressive margin.
Good on you, California! And didn't you vote to repeal the Three Strikes business too?
Not repeal outright, but at least whittle away at some of its most egregiously shitty unintended consequences.
The death penalty still stands, though.
And I'm pretty depressed by my own city's low voter turnout (a hair under 52% in a presidential election year? Humiliating).
North Dakota rejected a measure to make a law against felony animal abuse. So, North and South Dakota continue to be the only states in the country without felony animal abuse laws.
Another thing I'm hearing: did Puerto Rico vote in favour of statehood?
There's a photo of people at Republican campaign headquarters in Tampa holding t-shirts that say, "I'd rather shower at Penn State than vote for Obama." Way to stay classy, guys.
Hil, I saw that on your fb. I... can't even.
Awake now. Prop 30 passed in CA! Oh, my CA friends, I am SO glad!!
Must now find out about my state stuff, then get some UNINTERRUPTED (by my own political anxiety) work done today. It's REALLY pretty out, and I am still really freaking happy.
"I'd rather shower at Penn State than vote for Obama."
Jesus. Some people.
I'm going to stop trying to decipher my cousin's political views on the basis that he is not old enough yet to vote, and is being raised by crazy people in a cult.
Awake now. Prop 30 passed in CA! Oh, my CA friends, I am SO glad!!
Such a relief. That was huge.