In weird local election news - Bernie Sanders is Independent. He won, no one doubted that. BUT a lot of people are pissed at Sanders and don't feel that he is representing people like he promised. One issue is his support to bring F-35s to the Burlington Airport.
But they still want to vote for Bernie. So someone people voted for Bernie as a write in candidate to still vote for him but express their disgruntlement.
Which I guess is better than voting for one of the other guys.
I want to go to bed, but they're just about to bring the President out for his speech...
I hope I can watch Obama's speech tomorrow because I'm already in bed.
Hey, what happened with the same-sex marriage bill in WA?
Hey, what happened with the same-sex marriage bill in WA?
It was leading last I checked.
It is still leading. Not called though.
If he can take Florida as well as Ohio (and he's leading in both) Obama's going to take all the tossup states except North Carolina.
I think the final Electoral tally will be 332 to 206, and Obama should take the popular vote too once the West Coast is all toted up.