If he can take Florida as well as Ohio (and he's leading in both) Obama's going to take all the tossup states except North Carolina.
I think the final Electoral tally will be 332 to 206, and Obama should take the popular vote too once the West Coast is all toted up.
One dog is probably enough. Hah!
The President is making my allergies act up. It probably doesn't help that I'm a little tipsy and terribly tired.
Where can I see on net?
If you go to pollster.com and click through to their state pages, when you scroll down they have Senate and House races along with ballot proposals.
Class move: Romney's website is carrying the livestream of Obama's acceptance speech.
The President is making my allergies act up. It probadoesn't help that I'm a little tipsy and terribly tired.
So much this. I am getting teary, and I don't get teary.
Now we finally get to talk about climate change again!
I'm watching the speech on my phone! While I type this. Awesome