Yes, and Vermont has gone for Obama. Go ahead, act shocked.
I'll echo my comments from four years ago. Go ahead and re-elect Senator Government.
ZOMG POLLSTER.COM REPORTS THAT OBAMA IS LEADING BY 10% IN VIRGINIA AND FLORIDA! IT'S A LANDSLIDE! They've only counted about 1% of the votes so far, but I'm sure it's representative.
Eek, that map IS scary. Also, dang Indiana, why so red?? (And Virginia! Both places I have lived, that have been blue before!)
CNN has Obama leading Romney by 1% with 18% of the votes coming in.
Lambic and Live Election results. WOOHOO!
I am calling this RIGHT NOW! Brain Williams has my attention for the night. If things go off track and I have to pull back that announcement, it will be a move to PBS.
Timelies all!
Voted after work. Not much of a line. Staying away from news right now.
Is this watch n post? I'll be home in a couple hours. I feel myself going into full chicken little mode and am trying to just get ready for president Romney. I got a bad spooky feeling. I hate the bad spooky feeling.
I was more confident in 2004 than I am tonight, even though polls look better for Obama today than they did for Kerry in '04, right? Maybe being burned that year makes me more cautious this year.
My bf Cory is talking to a runner-up bf Brian on my TV right now. NF should show up.
I'm still on DVRed shows -- we'll see how long I can hold out.
I am calling this RIGHT NOW! Brain Williams has my attention for the night. If things go off track and I have to pull back that announcement, it will be a move to PBS.
Aren't Stewart and Colbert doing a thing again? that's what got me through the last one...