Man, every person I report to needs stuff today. Totally driving me craqzy and getting me frazzled.
I guess my day will be spent putting out fires and ticking tasks off my7 list rather than obsessing over unknown election results.
Good omen for the day is that Bailey slept in mac's room all night with minimal disruption and that I was in my bed from 1:30 on. Most I have been in my bed since sometime last week, I think.
erika, this one's for you:
also? has 2 shirts up today that might be of interest to people here.
That is a good one, le n.
My uncle who I love is posting insane things on FB. Please let this day just end.
I can see my polling place from my house! And the parking lot is crowded. I'll wait until after the lunch rush.
I like the circus!
And I like bread! Current low carb diet notwithstanding.
OK, have filled out my sample ballot, I will take the advice of my voter's guide and vote mid-morning when they expect a lull, because I can.
Heh. Timing my vote for the lulz.
My FB page today has been surprisingly calm today. Mostly just people telling everyone to vote. I will be very grateful if I can go to bed tonight knowing the results of the election, but I am doubtful that that will happen.
The Princeton Election Consortium put their last prediction up at noon: [link]
I'm good with that.