I'm so glad I voted last week! Thank goodness for the permanent absentee ballot option.
Lemme see, if the polls in Ohio close at 7:30PM, that's 5:30PM PST, and if I go climbing from 7-9PM, I might still make it home in time to hear them call the election.
I was planning to stay in and watch Stewart & Colbert, but my climbing partner's schedule changed, and maybe the gym will be half-empty with everyone at home watching the results.
I appear to be choosing my City Treasurer based on the candidates' favorite books. Masters of Rome vs the Bible.
-t, that makes perfect sense to me! Although I shouldn't want the City Treasurer to use Roman politicking as a go-by, if you catch my drift...
Sherrod Brown dancing to Jay-Z is awesome.
A CNN editorial: America's voting system is a disgrace
You did not say that it was written by David Frum! It's shocking to me how many voices on the Right have been purged from the party, and then once purged suddenly they develop a much more nuanced analysis.
I think it has to be that tunnel-vision, one-issue thing. People are willing to pretend that he doesn't really mean what he says about women or birth control or Planned Parenthood, because they like what he's promising about ... something else.
I honestly have no idea which way Romney would flip-flop on any given issue, except tax breaks for the wealthy and less government-subsidized help for the needy. THOSE issues he has rock solid positions on.
My dad says global warming isn't a problem because it's happened before.
And I'm sure the shrew-like mammals hiding under roots to escape the dinosaurs were really happy about it!
I don't know, we could use some bread and circuses.
Man, every person I report to needs stuff today. Totally driving me craqzy and getting me frazzled.
I guess my day will be spent putting out fires and ticking tasks off my7 list rather than obsessing over unknown election results.
Good omen for the day is that Bailey slept in mac's room all night with minimal disruption and that I was in my bed from 1:30 on. Most I have been in my bed since sometime last week, I think.
erika, this one's for you: