I think it was in Louisiana where the poll-working ladies were so adamant about educating voters that THEY DO NOT NEED TO SHOW ID. I love those ladies.
I think I'm going to wait until the afternoon to walk over and vote. Because I still haven't read all the Propositions. Sigh.
I heard an interview with someone who studied how kids learn from failure and why some kids take it well and others really really don't. What I remember is that kids who were told "you're so smart!" when they got things right were more likely to think that being wrong meant they weren't smart and everything is ruined forever. And this started when the kids were 1-3 years old, learning to walk and talk and whatnot and getting feedback from parents.
don't expect the state to be called by the networks for at least four hours after closing.
They often aren't, particularly for POTUS.
Woohoo! I am first in line! No waiting, other than for them to open.
Oh, man, I guess I should take a nap this evening before going to watch the returns.
Is it contested?
Technically, yeah, but not really.
Cyanide and Happiness
takes on the election: [link]
I have to share this FB status from my little brother:
Just to put the 538 projection in terms everybody can understand, Mitt Romney now has the same chance of winning the election as getting a critical hit (x2 damage) with a longsword in dnd 3.5, assuming that Barack Obama is not undead and immune from critical hits.
Everyone's seen the snappy Joker cosplay going around, yeah? Maybe this guy doesn't have all those scenes to act out, etc, but this is one hell of a Joker: [link]
I did not get asked for ID, so yay.
Lots of people having trouble in Chicago it looks like because they redrew the wards so people's polling places changed and the Board of Elections website is down.
A CNN editorial: America's voting system is a disgrace
When the polls close in most other democracies, the results are known almost instantly. Ballots are usually counted accurately and rapidly, and nobody disputes the result. Complaints of voter fraud are rare; complaints of voter suppression are rarer still.
But here's what doesn't happen in other democracies:
Politicians of one party do not set voting schedules to favor their side and harm the other. Politicians do not move around voting places to gain advantages for themselves or to disadvantage their opponents. In fact, in almost no other country do politicians have any say in the administration of elections at all.
The United States is an exceptional nation, but it is not always exceptional for good. The American voting system too is an exception: It is the most error-prone, the most susceptible to fraud, the most vulnerable to unfairness and one of the least technologically sophisticated on earth. After the 2000 fiasco, Americans resolved to do better. Isn't it past time to make good on that resolution?