I am pro labeling, Lee. If only because Monsanto is financing the No on 37 campaign.
Right now labeling will mostly affect boxed food and packaged foods, because usually things like corn used to make HFCS, soy and corn oil, etc, will be GMO varieties. So right now I assume if I buy something in a box and it isn't explicitly label non-GMO then it has GMOs in it. But produce? How do I tell a GMO tomato from a non-GMO tomato? I mean I get that I've been buying GMO produce unaware, but I'd like to make that choice for myself. And they are pushing the FDA to start selling GMO salmon, and if that gets the OK I am sure they already have GMO beef and GMO chicken lined up.
I would normally be in favor of the labeling too, but I have issues with the proposition as written. It just seems sloppy.
California people, are you thinking yes or no on prop 37 (the GMO food labeling)?
Yes, though it is a flawed bill and has gaping loopholes.
And they are pushing the FDA to start selling GMO salmon, and if that gets the OK I am sure they already have GMO beef and GMO chicken lined up.
Dairy and meat are the two big exceptions. Given how much grain goes to feed animals? Problem.
But I think it's better to have labeling. GMO foods have been around for a long time and we're eating them every day. I also think that they aren't intrinsically bad or unhealthy. The bill will not going to magically make them go away but I always side on an informed populace.
It's very sloppy. And I'm generally pro-information but this proposition is a definite "no" for me.
I'd write more but I hate writing on my iPhone.
I think I am going to be a no too. I'd rather wait for a better version than have this one in place.
No on 37. Gmo isn't really a risk, and the point of the prop is to create an extortive private right of action for plaintiff's attorneys.
Well, not any KNOWN risk... unintended consequences do so love to pop up.
(That said, not being a Californian I have no informed opinion as whether its more effective to pass a poorly constructed measure and subsequently improve it or wait for a well written one. Yeesh. I do not envy any of you.)
Romney rally refuses to let people out: [link]
I'm guessing problem with poorly trained security, but still ....