Yipes, Laura, that makes it even more upsetting.
The day in question was the day that Al Sharpton was there for a Souls to the Polls drive.
I sure hope it's just a tabulation error and all the votes were counted. That's a disturbing coincidence.
Oh Suela, maybe the chairs will make her feel more at home?
is he writing about people who say that?
Now I'm watching Bottle Shock On Demand, that movie about the 1976 wine contest where the Californian whites blew away the French.
How is it, Consuela? I remember wanting to see it, I think because Alan Rickman is in it.
Good lord, Suela. Does she need new chairs?
My grandmother was depressed all her life, and never particularly agreeable, but got incredibly disagreeable and/or sad after my grandfather died. It was awful. And I remember at one point she was in the hospital and my mom was like "Dude. She was SMILING. I don't know what they gave her, but they need to KEEP giving it to her!!" Sadly, they didn't figure out what made that happen so they could insist doctors keep her on it.
It's a little odd. But the cast is great: Bill Pullman, Chris Pine, Alan Rickman, Eliza Dushku (who plays a really predictable small-town bartender).
Does she need new chairs?
Well, yeah. That was the point: the new apartment is much smaller and won't have room for the big couch and loveseat they have in their current place.
The meds are so important, and I wish I knew which of them were the ones that kept her happy. Or at least less upset and anxious. But the Klonopin is definitely helping.
... I will say that Bottle Shock is gorgeously filmed: it's like a love-letter to Napa and Sonoma counties. So much light in this movie, so many lingering shots over golden California hillsides covered with vinyards and live oak.
Gorgeous filming reminds me of the colour palettes in the Life Of Pi trailer. Is there, like, a special Indian film stock/Final Cut setting? And why can't they make a
Indian film that looks that gorgeous? We might not have tigers, but we have stories.
Mmm, sounds like I should see the film, but just as well I waited to rent it.
So Franny wrote an email to her grandmother today to tell her she loves her and she misses her.