Ever seen the movie Young at Heart?
The only way that would have been more touching is if orpahned puppies were singing with them!
This article has the list of NJ counties doing the even/odd gas rationing. It looks like it's mostly the northern half of the state. [link]>
Not 5 minutes ago, I was on the phone with my mother and she was wondering why they didn't do the odd/even rationing like they did in the 70's
Sara, you're going to another state before you leave for the wilds of Australia. If you forget something, I'm sure one or the other (or GASP! both) of those places will have it.
Go have fun!
Something for the Good Things Tumblr, maybe? Youtube footage from the Coast Guard rescue of the Bounty crew, and a rescue from a rooftop in Staten Island.
edit: And Will Ferrell on triangle. Weird.
Not cowbell? I haz a disappoint.
Passport is in my shoulder bag. Numbers are in my phone. I've written down the record identifiers for the tickets in case Dallas falls off the modern world and I can't check my email.
And now my dryer is done.
Speaking of pink, I'm wearing these: [link] right now (thanks to my mother's brief spell of obsession last year) and I love them *to bits*. I don't know why I decided to go back to the site, but $10 per? I may get another colour...
MOM. Stop updating me on minutae! I will talk to you FOR HOURS in just a few days when we are trapped in planes for 22 hour and then for 10 days! Save your material!
camera, swimsuit, flipflops, nailglue.
sarameg, how long will you be gone?