I'm just relieved that the email I got from work all "OMG CONTACT EVERYONE AND MAKE SURE THEY HAVE GENERATORS AND PLAN YOUR TRAVEL EEEEEEK!" doesn't apply to me. Whew. I guess that's the advantage of having sites in LA--no hurricanes or snowstorms.
've also been noodling about South America, like Chile or Argentina.
Ooh. I could theoretically be into that, as well. Less lying on a beach soaking up the Vitamin D that Seattle doesn't give me, but also way cool.
Me too! But I can't afford to go anywhere!
But I can't afford to go anywhere!
Me either, but I am at the point where I am like, eff it, my mental health is more important than my bank balance.
Also, I just won a $100 gift card to spend in my downtown on Twitter. That will buy a few Xmas gifts!
Heh, awesome.
And yeah, that's what our Santa Fe trip this fall was. So worth it.
Sue, Texas is alway happy to have you.
OMG slowest day EVER!!
Fuck, I want to go somewhere too. But am still rebuilding after the big trip + big tax bill of two years ago.
Also, am I crazy to be unworried about losing power due to weather since none of our power lines are above ground? When we had the blackout last year, it was because of a fire in a transformer box or some shit.
am I crazy to be unworried about losing power due to weather since none of our power lines are above ground?
No, I'm with you. Our cable/phone/internet might go out, since those lines connect to a box on the roof, but I think we'll probably still have power.
I love our underground power lines, let me just say. We used to constantly lose power just for high winds, which are more or less constant out here. But here the whole neighborhood is underground and we very rarely lose power, and if we do, just briefly.
When we lived in CA, we had the underground lines and also lived in the same power grid section as a hospital. And we had a local power company. All combined, we very rarely lost power.
I wanna go to Texas.