Um. So, methinks someone doesn't know exactly what kind of writer or editor I am. I just got handed a plot summary:
"I will require your expertise by writing a drama related book that will discuss how the natural environment has been bastardized, mismanaged and deteriorated by the anthropogenic activities of man and how a strange man came from an unknown land with a mission of exterminating human race for the survival of the natural environment claiming they(he and his people) are the custodian of this place and had protected it for years before the advent and intrusion of human race. Seen this the World Powers converge in a meeting to find a way of killing him, they put artillery and Ammunition together and he was attack but being a supernatural being all the attack was fruitless, In response he strategically killed millions of people form each continent of the world with all event happening simultaneously which put the world into chaos and and the world countries had to sit again to deliberate on what to do, they resolves to dialogue with him and asked him the reasons behind all these, He made it clear why it is important for them to erase human race to curb their detrimental activities incessant and uncontrolled Developmental and Technological activities that does not follow the ethics of Sustainable development which has put the natural environment into jeopardy and disarray, for the environment to able to exhibit its regenerative power and bring back the serene and hospitable environmental balance once here. After a lot of begging and apology by the world leader, he consulted his people and relay human regret of their misdeed and indiscretion, and their willingness to change, they now make a pact with human ensuring that if human can manage deteriorating activities and bring it to the bearest minimum, we will be allowed to stay here and several environmental laws, ethics and regulation was signed into laws around the world.
The book will be about 150-200 pages of a novel size, it has to be fictional, trilling and teaching, must be written to suit academic and educational curriculum uses(grammar, vocabulary etc.).
Tell me how long it will take to finish the project, the cost and your forms of payment"
I have NOT had more than a sip of coffee this morning. I cannot reply to this email yet, but it's like Hello, morning! Email....WTFF? HUH?
I had to share the ridonkulousness.