Juliebird, you're not a failure; you're stuck between two conflicting expectations. That is a set-up for never being able to please everyone (or anyone) and isn't a reflection of you. It's a horrid situation to be in, and very frustrating.
Hil, after I had a horrible, horrible fight regarding an egregrious case of plagiarism and the parent was awful and the student accepted NO responsiblity, I became ultra-careful with keeping records of ANY kind of plagiarism. UGH. Man, talking about being proud of myself for not stabbing a bitch -- thinking about THAT fiasco STILL makes my blood pressure rise.
I'd planned to hand the papers back tomorrow, but I'm not going to be able to get to a copy machine before class, so I'll wait and hand them back on Monday.
I'm not sure that I can really have private conversations with 15 different students. There's just not enough time.
Dear GA,
Would it KILL YOU to get an actual starfield? You can find them anywhere, why the crappy pinholes/nothing resembling reality. Same goes for all the other shows. It's ridic.
No love
omg bases loaded no outs !
t holds thumbs
... and a double-play, but someone scored finally.
Thanks to Burrell, I just read the New Yorker's endorsement of Obama, which I found calming.
Yes, I really liked that one too.
Happy to share. Of course, they are probably preaching to the choir, but still good.
Pumpkin's got some awesome killing techniques for fake mice. She's got the whole neck-breaking shake down cold.
If fake mice only had a spine to snap...