Is being admitted that much worse than having it in the ER?
Yes. It's "only" observation, it's not like they're settling you down for the long haul, but it's not something ou do casually. Doctors are much harder to come by, for one-- especially the ones in your speciality., and there's a meal plan, and they take over giving you your normal meds--there's a decent chance I wouldn't always get out in time to go to work on Monday unless I left AMA.
Skipping yes-indeed-again because, according to the Buffista Calendar, today is brenda m's birthday.
Happy birthday, brenda! With lots of wishes for a great day and a wonderful year!
Happy birthday, brenda!
So yesterday, my one coworker said something about The Office and our office, and now I can't stop assigning people to characters in my head, and it's so inappropriate and/or mean! (Inappropriate: the one woman of color in my department is kind of cutesy, so Kelly. Mean: a coworker I like quite who is dumpy as Phyllis.)
Happy birthday, brenda!!!
Happy birthday, brenda!!!
Happy birthday, brenda! And thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday, everyone!
Bailey comes to our house tonight. I am very excited. Less excited that one of my bosses was griping about me because he had lost the information about his rental car on a trip. He lacks the ability to take personal responsibility. I just hope he did not fire off an angry email to big boss. Having to defend myself against vague complaints and/or needing to throw him under a bus for something just does not put me in a great light - doesn't matter if I am right.
Snow on my car this morning. Snow is currently collecting on my car in the parking lot.
I guess it is time to turn the furnace on at home.
And my poor California-native coworkers are freaking out. Heh.
We got at least a couple of inches last night. Luckily the roads stayed pretty clear, but my poor car is not in the garage. I need to reorganize the stuff out there and somehow sell/give away a large entertainment center before there will be room to park.
The NOAA has us getting more tonight, but their estimated accumulation keeps changing.