Happy birthday, brenda!
So yesterday, my one coworker said something about The Office and our office, and now I can't stop assigning people to characters in my head, and it's so inappropriate and/or mean! (Inappropriate: the one woman of color in my department is kind of cutesy, so Kelly. Mean: a coworker I like quite who is dumpy as Phyllis.)
Happy birthday, brenda!!!
Happy birthday, brenda!!!
Happy birthday, brenda! And thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday, everyone!
Bailey comes to our house tonight. I am very excited. Less excited that one of my bosses was griping about me because he had lost the information about his rental car on a trip. He lacks the ability to take personal responsibility. I just hope he did not fire off an angry email to big boss. Having to defend myself against vague complaints and/or needing to throw him under a bus for something just does not put me in a great light - doesn't matter if I am right.
Snow on my car this morning. Snow is currently collecting on my car in the parking lot.
I guess it is time to turn the furnace on at home.
And my poor California-native coworkers are freaking out. Heh.
We got at least a couple of inches last night. Luckily the roads stayed pretty clear, but my poor car is not in the garage. I need to reorganize the stuff out there and somehow sell/give away a large entertainment center before there will be room to park.
The NOAA has us getting more tonight, but their estimated accumulation keeps changing.
That's a December storm out there, not an October storm. Poor trees.