Timelies all!
I'll be so glad when this election's over. I'm tired of hitting the mute button/turning off the radio whenever political ads show up. Most of the ads are aimed at Virginia voters, anyhow.(Except the pro/con Question 7 ones. A pox on both their lying houses.)
We've got a nasty local election around here that makes me grateful for the preset buttons on the car radio.
Saw this on my college's blog under the Overheard on Campus section:
Future Recluse in Caples: “I can’t wait to get old. I’m just gonna grow tomatoes and not make eye contact with anyone.”
It's a valid life goal.
One of my students said that a friend of hers who goes to a different college (not sure which one) posted a facebook status asking if anyone could lend her some Penn State gear, because her sorority is having a theme day where people have to dress up. The theme is "Pedophiles and Kindergarteners." There is just so much wrong with that.
The theme is "Pedophiles and Kindergarteners."
Yeah, that's a bad idea rich white sorority girls.
I guess "White Trash" and "Pimps and Hos" are passé now.
ION, why is it that sometimes I get Lush scents from next door wafting in my window, and sometimes it's the dumpster??? Needless to say, right now it's the dumpster.
Does anyone have access to the full text of this [link] ? I am so curious about the conclusion.
And I'm also curious about the terms "published" and "peer reviewed" like they're the ne plus ultra of credibility, and a peer has never been wrong. I see it used reasonably often to both shut down discussion and to...well, shut down discussion.