Good for you, shrift!
Annoying stupid work thing: I was drafting a letter from a VP, like you do. In the letter, I said "my office will follow up." My boss changed it to say the VP's assistant's name. I always leave it vague, because I might be the person doing the follow up, not the assistant, but I guess let an exec assistant do her job, right? So since we sent the letter out last week, the assistant no longer works here, and now I'll be doing the follow up. Just like I thought might happen and made allowances for in my language that they made me change! ISTG.
Oh man - DH just pointed out over IM that if we wind up with an Electoral College tie we could have Romney as President and Biden as Veep. Which would be hilarious if Biden agrees to stand behind Romney at all press events muttering "bullshit" under his breath. (And by hilarious I mean terrifying and utterly damaging to the US's reputation as a country to be taken seriously anywhere else in the world.)
A co-worker and I were talking about this earlier and we both agree that Presidential candidates should have to prove they can pass the US citizenship test before they are allowed on the ballot. After last night, I'm fairly sure Romney would be disqualified.
I dunno -- the questions they had in Parade magazine a few weeks ago were pretty easy. Edit: [link]
yeah, not going to happen.
OMG, shrift, that puggle is astonishingly cute.
After last night, I'm fairly sure Romney would be disqualified.
Thing is, the GOP had a clown car of people running for President. The only sane ones in the whole field were Pawlenty and Huntsman - neither of whom got any traction with those voting in GOP primaries.
Think about this: How would Herman Cain done in last night's debate?
Santorum would have called down the wrath of God on everyone.
This is making me feel better about Ohio going for Obama: [link]