After last night, I'm fairly sure Romney would be disqualified.
Thing is, the GOP had a clown car of people running for President. The only sane ones in the whole field were Pawlenty and Huntsman - neither of whom got any traction with those voting in GOP primaries.
Think about this: How would Herman Cain done in last night's debate?
Santorum would have called down the wrath of God on everyone.
This is making me feel better about Ohio going for Obama: [link]
Thanks Steph, I needed that.
Also, in TOTALLY unscientific election facts that make me feel better: one of the big bakeries here always does cookie polls for the election (as well as other things, like if the zoo's new rhino baby was going to be a girl or boy). Obama cookies are at 10,377 and Romney cookies are at 8,616.
Like I said, totally unscientific, but this is a notoriously Republican city.
Also, the cookie polls tend to pick the winner. They did in 2008 and 2004. And I can't remember if they did them for presidential races before 2004.
Cool, Steph.
I saw a graph the other day that showed Ohio to have gotten very close recently. I forget where I saw it--possibly in one of Sullivan's doom-mongering posts....
Those cookies are $40 a dozen. I was gonna buy some, but, seriously?
Ohio to have gotten very close recently. I forget where I saw it--possibly in one of Sullivan's doom-mongering posts....
At this point, I think the only people who should be reading Sullivan right now are people who want Romney to win. If this does not characterize your personal position, Sully's rantings are not helpful.
Those cookies are $40 a dozen. I was gonna buy some, but, seriously?
I know! I bought a dozen for the office 4 years ago, and they were less than $20 for a dozen. CRAXY.
Bailey is coming over Thursday for a meet and greet and then sleepover!
I am still Debbie Downer today I really want to go home and sleep.