Meals, errands. Concrete and immediately useful things that need to be done but are draining. And, if she's up for it, fun things. If she's stuck in a hospital or long treatments then books, puzzles, coloring books or something to help pass time.
I'm sorry.
Fuck cancer, indeed.
I think if she has a family, things like casseroles are good. On the other hand, if she's single, she might not want to look at large quantities of food. Ginger hard candy and tea can help with nausea, and hard candy in general is good. What I have leaned on is easy food, like easy-to-eat fruit, peanut butter, protein bars, canned soup and plain crackers. If she's a reader, just picking up books and taking them back to the library helps, because it's a separate trip.
If she does not have family nearby, people to go to treatments with her.
In fun news, SMG is preggo again: [link]
Aw! Charlotte is adorable.
It's 4:40 in the morning, and I can hear people out singing in the park below me. I'm guessing they haven't been to bed yet! They didn't wake me up, though.
Gonna get up in a bit. I feel much more rested.
Library trips is a fantastic idea. Magazines are good if she's either in discomfort or an easily distractible / public area and can't concentrate on a full book.
On the other hand, if she's single, she might not want to look at large quantities of food.
Oh, and easy. Microwavable or shelf stable or just long lasting. Individual portions too.
Services like housecleaning are good for some people but totally unwelcome for others.
Also, music or movies, if she has an iPod/iPad/similar. Even a gift card for iTunes or whatever so she could treat herself to some new stuff while she's at chemo.
In other news, going to a bar with your 22 year old child is surreal.