By the way, you just proved you are plenty polished. You have major social skills. To quote a phrase you once used to describe someone this did not apply to, you were not "raised in a crate like veal".
You were asked for an opinion, and you answered honestly. It happened to be different from the opinion of the person who asked the question. That does not make you unpolished. You just are not slimy. You don't tell people whatever they want to hear, regardless of whether or not it is true.
That is a plus, not a minus. I think you have a good chance at the job, and if they don't want you, it is their loss not any flaw in you.
Aargh! I have issues with L, O & P due to an unfortunate wine spillage issue!
Allyson, that's a great way of putting it.
OMG I love y'all. Y'all are awesome.
In less than 48 hours, I will be in the air. Gulp.
Had a nice visit with Maria that actually helped me key down a notch or two. Of course, I'll be back to those levels of whacko plus 10 by this time tomorrow.
hope you have a great trip, sara!
Aargh! I have issues with L, O & P due to an unfortunate wine spillage issue!
I picture this to be the latest Law & Order spinoff, called
Law, Order and Penguins.
This just goes to show that you can't trust the penguins around wine. Sure, they look all sophisticated, but they have flippers! How are they supposed to hold the glasses?
Birds are kind of on a rampage around here this week anyway - assaulting politicians, drowning people in ponds. It could work.
My heart goes out to the ostritch farmers if it's a trend.