Happy Birthday, ND.
Yesterday's headache is back. I have too much work to do today. I also just heard from my doctor's office that my iron levels are way low again. Thanks to my new insurance, I have to wait for a referral to see a hemotologist. Yes, I'm lucky to have insurance and can see the docs I need without it costing an arm and a leg, but I hate having to wait.
Do you all ever have days where you find yourself woohooing the small mundane accomplishments, because you're pretty sure that's all you're going to get. Like Woohoo! I remembered to feed the cats, or YAY--I was pretty much on time to work today!
I put on a bra. Wooo hooo?
I'm at the office. I have some onerous tasks to undertake, boo.
House-ma to Nora and Tom, and happy birthday Drew!
Responses in no particular order:
Happy birthday NoiseDesign!
Baby monkey on a pig rocks, but am I pedant if I point out it's a baby chimp?
Scrappy, I heard from ita yesterday, she's laying low for awhile.
Burrell, have you gotten to the Sorting Hat in Pottermore?
Not yet, getting to bed was more important. I'm hoping for Ravenclaw, but we'll see which one I get into.
Happy Birthday, ND!
House-ma to Nora and Tom.
All the better-ma in the world to ita.
I'm avoiding Pottermore. I tend to fall headfirst into online stuff like that and wake up days later with keys imprinted into my cheek, drymouthed and dazed. Not pretty.
I echo everything Beverly wrote.