Responses in no particular order:
Happy birthday NoiseDesign!
Baby monkey on a pig rocks, but am I pedant if I point out it's a baby chimp?
Scrappy, I heard from ita yesterday, she's laying low for awhile.
Burrell, have you gotten to the Sorting Hat in Pottermore?
Not yet, getting to bed was more important. I'm hoping for Ravenclaw, but we'll see which one I get into.
Happy Birthday, ND!
House-ma to Nora and Tom.
All the better-ma in the world to ita.
I'm avoiding Pottermore. I tend to fall headfirst into online stuff like that and wake up days later with keys imprinted into my cheek, drymouthed and dazed. Not pretty.
I echo everything Beverly wrote.
Sue, I also put on a bra! Not before the delivery guy woke me up (roomies new computer nothing for me) but I did remember before the drywall guy showed up! The quote he gave is less than the insurance gave me, and he said hell come do it tomorrow. Yay! I hope.
It was Suzi who put on a bra. But considering my major accomplishment before noon was showering, I am in the same boat.
I have been avoiding making two phone calls all day. I need to make them...
House-ma Nora and Tom.
Add me to the Baby Monkey video love.
My goal had been to put on a bra before maintenance came by to fix my toilet. I even put on part of my gi, so I have can't come up with an excuse for missing karate today.
I think Noodle got traumatized by our maintenance dude (who is awesome). She has been on top of me ever since he left.
Zenyatta's baby gets a trim. . . what a good boy.
Aw! But look at the expression on Mama's face! She's all, "You be careful there with my boy, human! I know how clumsy you primates are!"
t Poking head once more
And in an attempt to improve today's Mondayness, I offer this [link] .
[It requires some explanations, since the first few pictures represent his first words:
The first one is the Hebrew word for "daddy", which is "Aba" (long "a", like in "after", in both its appearances in the word), who is PiToddler's most favorite person ever.
The second one is, strangely enough, the Hebrew word for yarmulka, which is "kipa", or, as he says it, "pa-pa-pa" (again with the long "a").
The third is, even more strangely enough, the sound that cows make, or "moooo" (that's also how it's called in English, right?) - he goes to the page in his storybook with the picture of the cow and mooes to it delightedly. There are other animals in the book, but the cow is definitely at the top, no competition.
And, um, he still doesn't say the Hebrew word for "mom", or "Ima" (again with the long "a" - hmm, I wonder what's up with this pattern). Not in this batch of over-a-month-old pictures, anyway. He started saying "ama" (yeah, long "a", how can it be any other?), but only when I'm not there. The khusband is sure he's calling me, but I'm yet to hear him say that.
Oh, and the last group of pictures are from the Hebrew date of his first birthday - we tried to put the flowers on his head, as is done on birthdays, but he hates stuff on his head, so, well, he won.]
t Yeah, I still can't shut my keyboard up. Oh, well.
Do you all ever have days where you find yourself woohooing the small mundane accomplishments
And that's what I wanted to respond to in the first place! PiToddler totally congratulates himself on almost every achievement, by clapping his hands and smiling broadly. So when I read that, this is what I imagined, him doing this for you.