Congrats on the offer, le nubian. If staying feels like a mistake, it probably is.
I forgot to buy tomato paste today, so the batch of chili currently cooling on my stove was made with about 6 oz. of pasta sauce with garlic & olives instead. I hope it comes out OK.
Bob made a beercan chicken with a Chinese 5 spice blend. He's taking it apart right now and it is falling off the bone tender and so yummy. I also roasted some asparagus and some potato salad with parsley and lemon and capers. Later I'm going to whip some cream to have with almost local (VA) strawberries!
OH! And we have sauteed morels Bob foraged from Druid Hill Park, the big city park adjacent to our neighborhood.
That sounds scrumptious, lisah!
Pix! ow! That all sounds like a terrible horrible no good very bad day. eesh.
I went out to a friend's birthday party, where I managed to convince a gay man to get naked within about 10 minutes of meeting him, so we could take fun photobooth pictures. Then off to dancing.
Today was planned for more dancing (lessons and then big evening dance), but stupid me worked out with the new trainer on Thursday and my quads have been screaming ever since, and I can barely walk, much less dance. Sigh. Also I wore my fun outfit last night and have no idea what to wear tonight.
So I just saw an ad for a FIVE CD set of 90s R&B, called "That's My Jam." Seriously every song looks awesome
That sounds awesome...except for the part right before that where you said something about our generation approaching middle age. I dont' like that part.
I agree with Jesse that Grey's got worse and then got much better (and worse, and better). It's not been as bad as Private Practice was--I actually stopped watching it for some time (and then got sucked back in by a crossover or something). I wasn't thrilled by the first "Scandal" ep, but have the second on TiVo and will give it a chance.
Yay new job le n!
That sounds awesome...except for the part right before that where you said something about our generation approaching middle age. I dont' like that part.
It was a callback! But also true -- the Boomers are finally going to get out of the way.
We have a new showerhead. Made out of metal. Possibly adamantium.
Congratulations, le nubian! New job totally sounds like the way to go.
lisah, that dinner sounds amazing! And you've reminded me that we have fresh farmer's market strawberries that M picked up this morning. I know what I'm having for dessert!
We have Targeted, and got enough store credit to order a changing pad and a white noise machine. The Babies R Us returns/gift cards ought to get us a second car seat base. And I think we can actually return the stuff we don't have receipts for to Walmart, and get store credit, which we will probably use for diapers. That's almost everything on our registry! Phew.
We have a new showerhead. Made out of metal. Possibly adamantium.
Technically, chrome-plated brass. But compared to chrome-painted plastic, close enough.
I also vacuumed the living room, organized the art supplies and some of the toys, wiped down the blinds and the wall heater, and swept the hallway and kitchen. But, mostly, installed the new showerhead. BOW DOWN.
And, because it's important enough to warrant its own post, congratulations on the offer, le n! And absolutely, absolutely take it.