If you know you'll regret not leaving, then leave. The awfulness of the current coworkers will be done with as soon as you're gone.
I dreamed about superheroes last night, which is weird, because I am so not a comics person. But I think all the excitement about The Avengers is getting to me.
If I leave, people at my current work are going to be awful for a period of time.
That will not be your problem for very long. (And if that's really likely to be the case, fuck 'em.) Go for it!
Your first responsibility is to yourself.
If you know you'll regret not leaving, then leave.
This. And congrats, le nubian!!
Your first responsibility is to yourself.
Absofuckinglutely. I'm all for having a sense of responsibility to your job and your co-workers and showing loyalty.
OTOH, if they undervalue you so much that they (a) are not compensating you enough to stay; or (b) have created a toxic environment then you'd be foolish to soak up the failings of your workplace.
Awful coworkers for limited time vs. eternal regrets
Unless the coworkers awful extends to poisoning our coffee, I'd say give notice and take the job. If the awfulness does extend to poisoning your coffee, I'd say just drop a note off with the receptionist and run.
ETA: And, of course, take the job.
Congrats, le nubian! I knew they'd see your awesomeness.
Congratulations le nubian!