Check this shit out, y'all:
What I saw when I looked out our back door BEFORE last night: [link]
t edit
All those fucking shingles in the driveway were from when the house next door was re-shingled, and the workmen thought they could just throw all the old shingles in OUR driveway. Uncool. (And that's the actual reason I took the picture -- to have proof in case the owner gave us pushback [he didn't, though].)
What I saw when I looked out the backyard TODAY: [link]
Okay, maybe this meeting is kinda boring. And maybe I'm being rude by using my tablet during it. Okay. No maybe either way.
They faked us out by saying they'd subsidise our phones. Then they took it back. No fair.
Happy birthday aurelia. Good med ma, Maria.
There is no time today to do work. Sucks.
Woo, Tim! Tell me y'all are keeping the oscilloscope, though.
Much~ma to Maria and DH, and Theo's brother.
ita, this is where working from home is awesome....I'm on a concall and my netbook AND my work laptop doing work! And no one knows...ooh.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Dang is right, Tep. GO TIM!
Also, woo hoo, Amy!
Lots of ~ma for your brother, Theo.
Mom update: she's been doing better with the gluten-free diet, but I'm not sure how much better. Anything better would be a great improvement. The big news is that she made the decision to go into assisted living. I was worried she'd be seriously depressed at the thought, but she's actually sounding very up about it, and she managed to get into a place she liked despite the waiting list (those ahead of her hadn't responded, so she scored bigtime there).
This will make going up to visit a lot different, but with her being almost 90, that was most likely going to be the case at some point in the not too distant future. I'm going up this weekend and I'll find out more details/logistics (my annual escape Salem during Halloween expeidition, but I need to go up anyway).
I was worried she'd be seriously depressed at the thought, but she's actually sounding very up about it, and she managed to get into a place she liked despite the waiting list
::sigh:: I'm envious. If only my mother would consider going into assisted living, but even when she wasn't demented she was irrational on the subject, and now she just flips out when we bring it up. Argh.