I was worried she'd be seriously depressed at the thought, but she's actually sounding very up about it, and she managed to get into a place she liked despite the waiting list
::sigh:: I'm envious. If only my mother would consider going into assisted living, but even when she wasn't demented she was irrational on the subject, and now she just flips out when we bring it up. Argh.
Happy birthday aurelia!
I know where you can get a new cowgirl hat, cowgirl!
I really cannot believe the drill press is gone, Steph. It's like a tenet of my fundamental belief in the universe is gone. Your driveway looks amazing, completely different! Tim is totally a ROCK STAR and you can tell him we said so.
Yay for Gud's kids. They are smartypants like you! Now it only remains to see if they have inherited the couch-flipping proficiency genes.
I can't remember what I meant to post about myself. Brane shot.
Oh, right! So I want patted on the back because yesterday I was having a down day, but not only did I get out of the house and see friends, but I also submitted a song lyric to the Great American Songwriting contest, due today, which is a great contest because it gives specific feedback. So thanks to Hyperbole, because I did touch a metaphorical jillifont, even though my down was only a little down, it was totally helpful to recognize it.
Happy birthday, Aurelia!
Much ~ma to Maria and her DH.
Jilli, I'm assumung the the Damned interview never did happen because we would have heard the squeeing. If so, I'm sorry, that sucks
Nope, didn't happen. But the show was great, and due to a miscommunication, I ended up with a pass to the meet & greet after the show! Which Dave Vanian was conspicuously absent from, dammit. When I got to the front of the line, Captain Sensible told me I was the best-dressed person at the gig, and then said "I'm sorry Dave's not here, luv." I said that my gothy heart was full of woe, but it was okay. Captain Sensible then said,
"Dave's ... shy. That's one word for it."
Then the rest of the band snickered and rolled their eyes.
So I'm guessing the interview didn't happen because of diva-like behavior on the part of Mr. Vanian, alas. I didn't bother mentioning the interview to the drummer, because he looked pretty wiped out, but was still trying to be "on" for the fans. But hey! I got a photo with Captain Sensible, and the entire band called me adorable. So that was awesome.
Go, Liese!
(Also, "metaphorical Jillifont", hee!)
Yeah, that sounds about right. But yay for Captain Sensible and adorableness!
(Also, "metaphorical Jillifont", hee!)
I'm going to think of
those things
as "jillifonts" from now on. Love it.
Go Liese!
Jilli, glad you at least got to meet the band.
Good news, Maria! Glad to hear it.
Dog costume - classic in its simplicity.