Happy birthday, aurelia!!
I'll have to ask Mom about those Mass changes; I hadn't even heard about them before now.
She got into town on Monday night, and I'm going down to Joliet to spend the weekend with her and the family. She said that my uncle, who she's staying with this week, is excited to see me. Aww! We'll be celebrating his 80th birthday on Sunday, so it'll be fun seeing everyone there.
I forgot. Happy birthday, aurelia!
Happy birthday, aurelia!
amyth, I am your sister in uselessness today.
I got a review in Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books! That's pretty cool.
I wish I had some tiny Halloween costume item for this weekend -- just like a nose or ears or something. Ah well -- I bet there will be shopping tomorrow, so maybe I can still get something!
Go Amy!
I am working from home, and am actually probably doing as much work as I would have done in the office -- while watching TV and doing laundry! Sweet.
Woo hoo Amy!
Happy birthday Aurelia!
I got a text from the babysitter this morning asking where the kids' winter coats were. The winter coats I hadn't bought yet because it's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS COLD IN OCTOBER. MomFail.
I love working at home. I can write copy on my couch, with tea, in slippers. And yes to the TV on and laundry in, too.
brenda and ChiKat got the most awesome tiny hat headbands at Anderson's last week (week before, whatever) for Halloween. I wish I had bought one. I have nothing this year.
Is D. in a 4 now, Jessica? I have a Lands End squall parka in a 4T I could send you. Um, once I buy a winter coat that actually fits my son. Signed, it was 35 degrees this morning, which my children named "puffy coat cold."
They think they know what's in store, what's to come - they've only just begun. (To know actual winter.)