I love working at home. I can write copy on my couch, with tea, in slippers. And yes to the TV on and laundry in, too.
brenda and ChiKat got the most awesome tiny hat headbands at Anderson's last week (week before, whatever) for Halloween. I wish I had bought one. I have nothing this year.
Is D. in a 4 now, Jessica? I have a Lands End squall parka in a 4T I could send you. Um, once I buy a winter coat that actually fits my son. Signed, it was 35 degrees this morning, which my children named "puffy coat cold."
They think they know what's in store, what's to come - they've only just begun. (To know actual winter.)
Is D. in a 4 now, Jessica? I have a Lands End squall parka in a 4T I could send you.
Ooh, that would be fab. But I can also hit the consignment shops this weekend.
Gud! I was just thinking of Leif the other day, when the video of the toddler who kept climbing out of his crib and then went for the camera that was recording it. I thought, "They're going to have to bungee-cord a baby gate over that crib."
I am full of gronk, because after the baseball game, I went to bed, and, as usual, started to read a chapter or so to get to sleep. However, the book I was reading was by a certain Buffista who just got a review in the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books. It's her fault I was up until 3.
Happy birthday, aurelia!
I'm not Catholic anymore, so I hope it's okay that I keep responding to "May the Force be with you" with "and also with you". Because I don't think I can stop.
Good luck with work, Gud, and with handling your super smart kids (my older brother and I were in sort of the same situation with me skipping a grade and it caused some friction but not too much, I think. We ended up going to different middle and high schools, which helped).
That sounds crazy dramatic, Sue. Good for you being undercaffeinated, i guess?
I'm sorry, Ginger! Except I'm not because it didn't put you to sleep. Hee.
I keep responding to "May the Force be with you" with "and also with you".
It's not okay... it's AWESOME.
I hope it's okay that I keep responding to "May the Force be with you" with "and also with you"
I've never been Catholic, and I do this EVERY TIME. The best part is that I actually have opportunities to do so.