They do not review my work, even if I provide it early and then are furious if they find errors when they are on a job site. I literally had to say today that I would not be able to guarantee never making a mistake.
Oh god, that's like the definition of a no-win situation at work. Ugh.
And I can confirm that while msbelle is a beautiful person in many ways, customer service would likely not be the best job choice.... for anyone involved.
Oh my lord, Tim brought home a truck from work and he's taking the drill press out of the driveway to be scrapped.
Take pictures!
Maybe this is his version of a marriage proposal?
Maybe this is his version of a marriage proposal?
You know, that wouldn't be totally weird for him.
For my own part, I've started with the FlyLady shit and keep adding little cleaning tasks to my (semi-) daily routine. This, too, falls under the IT IS THE END OF DAYS category.
I'll report back if he spells out "Wll U MRY ME" in scrap metal on the driveway.
I meant to agree: it hits a little too close to home to be really funny. Brilliant and true, but not funny.
It's not funny at all, but it rang true. And it's something I might use to explain to people who just Don't Get It.
re: mistakes at work.
I had a supervisor call me into a come-to-Jesus meeting with the owner, and she wanted me to make a pledge that my work on a particular phase would not have any errors in it. She was horrified when I said, "No, I will not make any such pledge. It's impossible to promise that." She looked at the owner, who said, "She's right, she can't do that. Asking something like that is something the Pointy-Haired Boss would do."
The owner loved Dilbert, and even though he was often an idiot it was nice to have backup, especially geeky backup.
That Hyperbole and a Half is the most true thing on the internet. Fear-proof exoskeleton. Yes.
Taking away the drill press is kind of rocking my world, Tep. I know I only have a flawed and mostly made up by me mental image of your home, but the drill press looms large in it and having it be gone is going to take some getting used to.
Oh, that Hyperbole and a Half was wonderful. Sad and painful, but wonderful. I will be passing that along.
Calli, words cannot express the rage I feel on your behalf. Gah.
What is Coming to Get Us
Oh, Indiana. What the hell is Momo? Do Connecticut and Massachusetts not exist on that map?