They are human beings!
I suspect it's an instance of her complete disassociating the policy issue she's talking about from the immediate, personal, context.
IOW, she really doesn't think about your kids being human beings when she's writing that post. She's just (probably) copypasting from some other "childfree" forum.
The personal is political, but I think we often forget about the personal in our politics.
You could tell her that you found her use of "lifestyle choice" an affront, as your children are, in fact, human beings. And if she thinks it's so unfair that you get tax credits for them, she doesn't have to spend any time with them.
I talked to Hubs this morning, and he's doing better.
I'm glad for that, at least.
of course, I do think the jokes in "Homicide" are funny, so maybe it's more that my sensibility isn't mainstream enough for 30 Rock.
Or that I hate Tracy Morgan.
Hugs and ~ma to you Maria.
IOW, she really doesn't think about your kids being human beings when she's writing that post. She's just (probably) copypasting from some other "childfree" forum.
I'm guessing this, yes.
My issue would be less with the "hey, human beings over here!" and more with the idea that it's the same kind of logic that drives people who say things like "why should my taxes support public schools when I don't have any kids in them?" Or "...since I send my kids to private school?"
There's a kind of fundamental disconnect there that doesn't see how children--not just my children but all children--are the future, and that the whole society benefits when those children are well fed, well educated, and healthy.
t /rant
This. Even though I find it unlikely that I'll have children.
My only quibble with the tax break for kids is when people treat their kids like a crop they're raising for tax benefits instead of as human beings. IE, the families with a dozen kids that are herded around like a battalion, not a family.
That is pretty weird, Connie.
Isn't that usually from religious reasons, though? I am pretty sure nobody has 12 kids for the tax benefits. They (the tax benefits, that is) are honestly not that great, and certainly don't outweigh the costs of raising children.
I don't have a car, so I don't know why my taxes have to go to pay for roads and highways.